Department of Aerospace Geodesy and Land Management

Welcome to the Department of Aerospace Geodesy and Land Management!

The use of spacecraft for the practical needs of civilization has led to the creation of satellite systems that study the Earth’s natural resources, high-precision observations of continents and oceans to obtain information about events and phenomena occurring on the Earth’s surface, air and underwater environment. The availability of such valuable information can provide reliable global control over the ecological, meteorological, economic situation in different countries around the world, as well as significantly improve the navigation of ships and aircraft, optimizing the transport management system. Observations by reconnaissance satellites have now become an important element of the defense, economic and information security of states. To solve these problems, geographic information systems are being implemented that provide computer analysis and synthesis of geospatial data in order to obtain new necessary information and make optimal decisions.

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, land is recognized as the main national wealth, which is especially protected by the state. The experience of developed foreign countries and our country shows that the real mechanism of rational land use, new landscaping and regulation of land relations can only be land management, which should ensure the transition to a new land system with new forms of management, land tenure and land use. In addition, Ukraine’s economic security depends on economic independence, stability of the land use economy, its ability to self-development and progress. Choosing the right way to solve the land issue, the formation and development of a system of efficient land use and land management is especially important for Ukraine, which is one of the first countries in the world in terms of land resources.

This led to the joint efforts of scientists and teachers at the National Aviation University to train specialists in geodesy, geographic information systems, land management and cadastre.

The Department of Aerospace Geodesy and Land Management trains bachelors and masters in two educational and professional programs: “Land Management and Cadastre” and “Geographic Information Systems and Technologies”. The department has scientific laboratories of geographic information systems and photogrammetry, which are equipped with modern computer technology, multimedia equipment, digital photogrammetric stations.

After the university, graduates are desirable employees of public and private companies in the field of geodesy, cartography, land management and geographic information systems, geodetic-territorial and transport-economic services of state administrations and other institutions.

Teachers of the department are actively engaged in scientific activities, most of them have scientific degrees and academic titles, are highly qualified specialists. The department has created all the conditions for interesting and meaningful learning of students, the optimal development of their creative abilities. Qualified teaching staff, the presence of modern classrooms, the opportunity to involve students in research allows our graduates to become competitive professionals and is the basis for the formation of future professionals in their field.