
Scientific and technical conference of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists “Innovative technologies”

    The Institute of Advanced Technologies and Leadership of NAU annually leads a scientific and technical conference at which young scientists have the opportunity to present the results of their work.         On November 21, 2019, a meeting of the section “Ecology and Chemical Technologies” was held at the Department of Ecology of the Faculty of Ecological Safety, Engineering and Technologies (moderators – Ph.D., Prof. Belokopitov Y.V., PhD, Assoc. Prof. Bilyk T.I.).        Students, young scientists, graduate students, and faculty present at the meeting heard interesting reports on the catalytic processes of substance transformation, the production of industrially important compounds, the impact of biologically active xenobiotics on the ecosystem biota. The speakers were asked a lot of questions, which testifies to the interest of the student audience in scientific research.        The head of the Department of Ecology, Ph.D. Frolov VF, spoke at the meeting, explaining to the young researchers the importance of scientific achievements for the improvement of technologies and conservation of ecosystems.