1. V All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Modern technologies of land management, cadastre and management of land resources”.
2. All-Ukrainian ccientific and practical conference of Young Scientists and Students with International Participation “Ecological security of the state”. http://ecoconf.nau.edu.ua/
3. XXI Scientific conference “Astronomical school of youngs. Actual problems of astronomy and astronautics”. https://febit.nau.edu.ua/news/xxi-mizhnarodna-naukova-konferensiia-astronomichna-shkola
4. VII International scientific and technical conference “Problems of chemotomology. The theory and practice of rational use of traditional and alternative fuels and lubricants. ” http://chemmotology.nau.edu.ua/confer/problem-chemmotology/
1. Sections “Environmental protection” and “Aviation phemotology” at the VIII World Congress “Aviation in the XXI century”
2. Sections “Environmental safety and chemotology”, “Biotechnology”, “Chemical technology, engineering”, “Remote aerospace research”, “Land management and cadastre” at the XIX International scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students “Flight. Modern problems of science »
3. Sections “Land management and geodesy”, “Biotechnology and biomedical engineering in aviation and cosmonautics”, “Remote sensing research”, “Chemistry and chemical technology”, “Ecological safety and aviation chemmotology” at the XIV International scientific and technical conference “Avia 2009 »