The meeting of the biotechnology department team with USUF vice president in Kiev Markiyan Bilinsky and director of USUF Biotech Initiative program Kristina Redko took place on November 21.
U.S. Ukraine Foundation is a non-profit non-governmental organization that was created in 1991 to support democracy, free market and human rights in Ukraine. The Foundation creates and supports the exchange of information between the United States and Ukraine with the goal of building peace and prosperity.
The Biotech Initiative is the latest in a number of Foundation projects aimed at helping Ukraine’s development. The project focuses on finding new leaders in biotechnology and helping them learn the management techniques needed to transform their research into viable commercial projects. This project provides grants for travel and research, assistance in establishing contacts with American researchers and institutions, and also help stimulate U.S. business interest in the sector.
The USUF Biotech Initiative interect with people who work to solve global problems related to health and disease, protect the environment with measures taken to address climate change, agricultural production.
At a meeting with Rector of NAU Vladimir Isaenko, USUF representatives and Mikhailo Baranovskyi, head of the biotechnology department, discussed about development prospects of the department of biotechnology NAU. Further, during a meeting with the staff of the department, it was agreed on future cooperation with the US-Ukraine Foundation Biotech Initiative and a work plan for this project was drawn up.