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It is a matter of great pleasure to invite you to two outstanding International Conferences (ISEAS 2020 Online, ISATECH 2020 Online), and an International Course on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (ICUAV 2020 Online) which will be hosted by the National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine on September 22-24, 2020.1. International Symposium on Electric Aviation and Autonomous Systems – ISEAS 2020 Online2. International Symposium on Aircraft...
On June 18 at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology successfully passed the defense of theses of the OS “Bachelor” students of 407 group of the educational and professional program “Chemical Technologies of Alternative Energy Resources”. This is the second issue in the history of NAU of a group of such Fkah members. The defense presented creative and very interesting works, which were all evaluated by the...
On December 20, 2019 a seminar for young biotechnologist-microbiologist was held at the Department of Biotechnology in the framework of career guidance. The students of the following educational institutions participated in the seminar: • College of Information Technology and Land Management of the National Aviation University • Staroberezhradychiv secondary school of I – III grades of Obukhov district of Kyiv region •...
On December 16, 2019, a meeting of the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology club was held at the Department of Biotechnology. The head of the circle is the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of biotechnology Liudmyla Reshetniak, and the secretary – the assistant of the department, Kateryna Yablonska. Student of FESET-105M group Kateryna Trush made a presentation on the topic “Improvement of technology...
In December 2019, employees of the Department of Biotechnology came to Kiev schools (No. 285, No. 29 and No. 306) in order to familiarize future applicants with the biotechnology profession. During the meeting, students learned about biotechnology, its modern trends, and career prospects in this area. What is Biotechnology? The word “Biotechnology” comes from the combination of the Greek words “bios”...
The meeting of the biotechnology department team with USUF vice president in Kiev Markiyan Bilinsky and director of USUF Biotech Initiative program Kristina Redko took place on November 21. U.S. Ukraine Foundation is a non-profit non-governmental organization that was created in 1991 to support democracy, free market and human rights in Ukraine. The Foundation creates and supports the exchange of information between the United States and...